Senin, 09 Juni 2014


Curriculum Vitae

        Personal Details
            Full Name                    :    FAZAR TRANGGONO
            Sex                                :    Male
            Place / Date of birth   :    Bekasi, December 06 1993
            Nationality                   :    Indonesia
            Marital Status              :    Single
            Height / Weight          :    168 cm / 74 kg
            Health                           :    Perfect
            Religion                        :    Moeslem
            Address                        :    Jl. Jeruk X No. 230 Rt 006/05, Perumnas 1 Bekasi
                                                      Kec. Bekasi Barat 17135
            Mobile Phone              :    0838 7298 0993
            Email                            :
Educational Background
            1999 - 2005                   :    Elementary School SDN. Jakasampurna VI Bekasi
            2005 - 2008                   :    Junior High School SMPN 04 Bekasi
            2008 - 2011                   :    Senior High School SMUN 12 Bekasi
     2011 until now              :    College Accounting Majors at the University Gunadarma Bekasi

Good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline, honest, and be responsible.


Hi, thanks for giving me opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Fazar Tranggono from Bekasi Barat. I'm 21 years old. My educational background : Elementary School SDN. Jakasampurna VI Bekasi (1999 – 2005), Junior High School SMPN 04 Bekasi (2005 – 2008), Senior High School SMUN 12 Bekasi (2008 – 2011), College Accounting Majors at the University Gunadarma Bekasi (2011 until now)
Currently I'm staying at Bekasi with my family. Coming to family background, my father is retired civil servants & my mother is principal at SDN Margahayu I Bekasi. I have a twin sister who was in college in Bina Sarana Informatika (BSI) Bekasi. My first sister is married and has completed the lecture, as did the second brother has completed his college, but he is not married. My short term goals is i can achieve in six months to three years while it can take three to five years to reach long term ones. My long term goals may be, for instance, earning a bachelor's degree in accounting, passing my certified public accounting exam and getting a job as an accountant.
For now I am more focused study in order to obtain satisfactory values ​​and can work in a place that I want. My short term goal is that I can achieve in six months to three years while it can take three to five years to achieve the long term. My long-term goal might be, for example, get a bachelor's degree in accounting, passed the CPA exam and get a job as an accountant. So, I want to work in a dynamically changing environment and continue to grow, where I can learn more in order to improve my technical skills. Therefore, I feel this company is more suitable for me to apply my skills towards achieving the company's goals and also to improve my economic status as well.
I have good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline, honest, and be responsible. And I believe that with my positive attitude I can give a full commitment to my job. That’s all about me. Thank you for listening.

surat dan balasan lamaran pekarjaan

Curriculum Vitae

Data Pribadi
Nama                                                    :      Fazar Tranggono
Tempat, Tanggal lahir                           :      Bekasi 06 Desember 2003
Agama                                                  :      Islam;
Alamat rumah                                                 Alamat                                                  :      Jl. Jeruk X No. 230 Rt 006/05
Nomer telepon                                     :      (mobile phone);
Email                                                    :

Riwayat Pendidikan
Ø  Pendidikan Formal:
·      2004 sampai dengan 2008      :  
·      2001 sampai dengan 2004      :   SMA Negeri 25 Jakarta;
·     1998 sampai dengan 2001      :   SLTP Negeri  68 Jakarta;
·     1992 sampai dengan 1998      :   SD Negeri Nambangan Asih Mulya, Jakarta;

Ø  Pendidikan Non Formal:
·         2011                                                 : Dekorasi Taman pada Park Decoration Club
·         2005                                                 :  Pelatihan ilmu komputer dan web developer

Riwayat Organisasi
·         2005 sampai dengan 2006     : Ketua Himpunan Profesi di Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi
·         2002 sampai dengan 2003    : Ketua OSIS di SMA Negri 25 Jakarta

·        Periode 01 Agustus s/d 31 Agustus 2008       : Kuliah Kerja Lapang (KKL) di Balai Pengawas Obat dan Makanan

Keahlian Komputer
·         Microsoft Office (MS. Word, MS. Excel, MS. PowerPoint) dan Internet.
Demikian Curriculum Vitae ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya, semoga dapat dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.
                                                                                                            Hormat saya,

                                                                                                            Karina Zulkarnain S.Tpg

Jakarta,  May 29, 2013


Personel Manager of PT FAJAR KARYA INDAH Tbk.
Gedung PT. FAJAR KARYA INDAH Tbk. 2nd floor
Jl. Kemandoran Kav.27
Jakarta Barat

Dear Sir/Madam,

Refer to your requirement advertised in Kompas May 27 2011, I am interested to                joint and to contribute with your respected company.

I am twenty-six years of age, single and in good health condition. I was graduated from AA YKPN, Yogyakarta in 2003. My scholastic record is satisfactory and also skilled at Accounting duties. I am be able to use English both oral and written, computer literate, able to use MS Office package such as MS Excel,  MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS OutLook and Internet, also familiar with English Correspondences and Administration duties.

Now, I am working as Accounting Staff at PT. SURYA PERKASA. I am willing to learn and work very well with others and anxious to put my knowledge into practical. Enclosed is my resume and latest photograph for your review and considerations.

I hope you will grant me an interview and the opportunity to give you more details about
my self.

Yours faithfully,

Rikza Danish Zaidan